Frequently Asked Question

When will the new Textures be out? When will the new Recipes be loaded?
Last Updated 3 years ago

We all have a RL, and as such, we can't make things happen instantly.  Here is our goal:

New Recipes loaded - We will try to have new recipes loaded in the HUBs within 24 to 48 hours.  You can always cook without the HUB if you need to make stuff sooner.

New Textures ready - We don't think about making new textures until after the 3rd of the month because of the release of DFS Patreon items.  After that day, our goal is to have them ready within 7 to 10 days of the item's release, so normally around the 10th of the month but it may be longer depending on the number of items and depending on other things going on at VMD (like making neat, new stuff for you!).

PLEASE try to have some understanding and some patience....  your VMD team thanks you.

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