Frequently Asked Questions
Search Results
19 FAQs matched your search criteria.
- How come crates are not made automatically when I add stuff to my Sorter?
- How come my custom texture doesn't show up on my Box Up crate?
- How come my group members can't Box Up items?
- How come my Sorter is stuck "Arranging"?
- How come my Sorter won't make any new crates?
- How come some things like Chicken Feed or Pig Food won't sort properly? Why do some items like Trowels sort properly?
- How come the item texture doesn't appear on the Box Up crate?
- How come the numbers on front of my Sorter don't look right? Why do I see what looks like an 81 with the 8 slightly up?
- How come the numbers on the crates in my RU (Reduced Uses) Sorter don't match the quantity if items I have in that crate?
- How do I get the free Starter Crates (textures)
- How do I remove a crate that's floating alone near my Sorter?
- How many items can I put in a Sorter crate and how many crates can I have on a Sorter?
- I just bought new textures. How do I get them on my Sorter crates?
- What does it mean if I see a message saying one of my Sorters is "Taking Control"?
- Why are my annual and unique named items not using their unique Textures, for example Beer 2021, Wine 2021 are not showing?
- Why do some of my crates have the words "Arranging" or "Linked In" as hover text over them?
- Why don't some items sort properly?
- Why is my Sorter all black (or some other solid color)? Why are my crates all in a line?
- Why is the top left prim (where I drop items) RED?